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Move Freely America strives to preserve the right for all Americans to Move Freely without penalizing medical restrictions, across all modes of public or private transportation.


As defined under the 14th Amendment - Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Constitution, without governmental abridgment, American Citizens have the RIGHT to move freely. 


American Citizens are facing restrictions on their freedoms due to federal medical mandates and the introduction of digital IDs. These unconstitutional mandates are forcing our citizens to choose between personal medical decisions and the right to travel within our Constitutional Republic.


Move Freely America, in coordination with other national organizations, unites and empowers Americans who reject this infringement of our God-given freedoms, by promoting issues which preserve our liberties.


Our initiative focuses on compelling state legislatures to remove  unconstitutional medical mandates. Our goal is to abolish current federal overreach and prevent additional tyrannical mandates.


We are One Voice courageously fighting to achieve these common goals – Medical Freedom.






Individually change is improbable, but as an aggregate attainable.


In 2020 the Federal government designated First Responders, The Medical Industry and The Transportation Industry as integral infrastructure and exempted them from lock down restrictions.


Recourse for religious or medical exemption was organized by airline, medical and first responder groups pursuing litigation.


Move Freely America aligned with the Governor’s initiatives to block vaccine passports and Digital ID’s by passing legislation. It was established to support the efforts of elected officials as 

One Voice on an aggregated front achieving a common goal Medical Freedom


Without Medical Freedom Legislation in place, your rights and freedoms are one vote away from being dissolved.

civic duty

Honoring your Civic Rights and Fulfilling your Civic Duty




Make Your Vote Count. Our elected officials vote on your behalf. 

Go beyond your mailbox or inbox to Learn about the Candidates. 

Move Freely America scorecards highlight your elected officials voting record on Medical freedom.

Check your local representatives’ Scorecards to see who is working for you, and not against you on Medical Freedom initiatives. 

Make informed decisions when you vote on incumbents and candidates.


Jury Duty:


Jury duty is a privilege and an obligation of Citizenship.  By serving as a Juror you are advocating for justice, which is one of the engines that drives our democracy.


If self-employed, prioritize your participation to be a part of the judicial process.

If employed, understand your employer’s obligation to allow you to participate on jury duty



Engage with Your State Government:


Move Freely America State Directors are trained and responsible for shaping legislation with State Representatives on the Medical Freedom Act.


Our State Directors are your VOICE representing you FOR Medical Freedom.


They are protecting your rights as US citizens on any use of transportation or employment imposing unlawful medical restrictions that have been fraudulently imposed on US citizens.


MoveFREELY America stands firm in the commitment to promote candidates and work with Representatives dedicated to enacting a Constitutionally Compliant Medical Bill of Rights for all citizens.


Attend your local, City, District and State Representatives’ Town Halls, meetings and Debates.



​Follow us on:

Truth Social, Telegram and FB and Instagram @MoveFreelyAmerica GETTR@MoveFREELY.  Subscribe to the MoveFreelyAmerica Show on Rumble and YouTube.


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Move Freely America 501(c)4

14243 Proton Rd.  Farmers Branch, TX 75244

© 2021 MoveFREELY America

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