May 24, 2022
Move Freely America is happy to announce a partnership with Liberty First Society! JC & Krisann Hall are leading from the front as the premier civics education company in their field.
They are Constitutional Attorneys and staunch defenders of America Move Freely America is pleased that they are willing to affiliate with MFA.
Liberty First Society has graciously offered our members a 50% off discount from their normal monthly pricing where you can watch a predetermined Constitutional Foundations course to help you refresh your memory on basic civics.
Membership to LFS is billed on a monthly basis and can be cancelled anytime.
They also offer their full length movie, noncompliant, to you for free! It's an outstanding presentation that is an absolute must watch for you and the family!
They write:
Thank you for partnering with us. We are happy to offer this discounted monthly subscription to Liberty First Society's, Constitutional Foundations.
Your subscription enables you to take all of the courses in our Constitutional Foundations Section. There are other courses on our site that are available with an upgraded subscription. Your members may upgrade at any time if they find value in the material. We believe that the Constitutional Foundations courses will give everyone a solid footing and get them headed in the same direction.
We are creating new material all the time. We want to be responsive to your needs. If there is a topic that members desire, we would be happy to investigate creating new material tailored to your mission.
Each member will create their own account by clicking the link below.
1. Click the Subscribe button
2. Enter the following coupon code: 6G2KTE8V
3. Fill out the profile AND payment info. (The subscriptions are monthly recurring and the member may cancel at anytime or upgrade to a full access subscription.)
4. Get educated, inspired and activated!
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
In Liberty,
JC & Krisanne Hall
Move Freely America website > Education > Liberty First Society
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